
What is brand messaging anyway?

3 December 2021 · 6 min read

Jeff Hawkins

Jeff Hawkins

Creative Director

LogoCreativeGraphic Design

What is brand messaging anyway?

3 December 2021 · 6 min read

There are many key elements that form the foundation of a really good brand. Simply think of favourite brands that you were impressed by from Day One. Consider Nike that use inspirational athletes or a Rolls Royce – “the gold standard for car luxury”. These examples have very clear messaging that sets them apart; which is why you need to “Just Do It!”.

Brand messaging is the tool that’s used to deliver ideas and share company values based on a framework of key attributes. Brands should and need to communicate with consistency and clarity to connect with their customers. Sharing company values is important because 64% of consumers say it’s the primary reason they connect with a brand.

As you now know, brand connection is about emotions and experiences. Therefore, messaging should talk about the company mission and moral values rather than hard numbers or pure facts (did somebody say booooring?).

For example, think of brands that donate a profit of their sales to a charity or build technologies to reduce carbon emissions. These brands WIN because they connect emotionally with customers that have the same shared values.

Nike Brand Image

In this article, we’ll tell you all there is to know about brand messaging, whether you’re a seasoned marketer or have just started your brand journey. You’ll see there is a recipe that will tilt the odds of success in your favour. We’ll take a look at the key components that make up a brand message and how to craft one. You will also discover the business advantages of brand messaging and why it can separate you from the competition.

Key components of brand messaging

When crafting a brand message you need to consider several key components. It’s the framework that’s required for all company departments, startups and organisations to get on the same page. Whether it’s a social media expert or email series writer. If they are pulling information from the same messaging framework, then there will be consistency.

Here are the top ingredients of a brand messaging framework:

  • Misssion Statement: What is your brand visionary angle? Consider what you want your company to achieve beyond making money. For example, Elon musk got involved in Tesla to accelerate the worldwide movement towards electric vehicles.

Patagonia Quote

  • Target audience: Market research will tell you about your target audience, which must be considered when crafting messages. You need to speak in a way that your target audience finds appealing.
  • Tone: Are you a playful brand or one that wants to keep it serious? Decide on the tone and be consistent. However, you may need to slightly alter the tone based on the marketing channel for the best results.
  • Brand promise: what are the key advantages of shopping with your brand? Maybe it’s because you offer the best prices, or it could be an industry-leading customer service that responds 24/7.
  • Positioning statement: This is the message that sums up your target audience, promise and industry. It’s the one statement that can repeatedly be used across several marketing channels to provide consistency. It should also be informative, allowing customers to instantly figure out what your brand is about.

Starbucks mission

Brand messaging from 3 angles

To cover all the bases you need to consider your brand from 3 angles. The process allows you to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of fleshing out your brand.

  1. Internal angle: Start by thinking about what you want your brand to achieve and why you started in the first place. What is the vision for your brand and over what time period?
  2. Customer angle: Considering your brand from the customer angle is the most important and arguably the hardest. If you’re a natural customer of your own brand, then this step shouldn’t be too hard. You can also get into the mind of the customer from market research. Find out what people think when they see your logo, messaging and company mission.
  3. Competitive angle: Compare your brand with the competition in your niche. Your brand needs to be different so it won’t be confused with others.

Brand messaging advantages

Are you wondering why if executing brand messaging is worth the hassle? The numerous advantages will help take your company to the next level. With the right approach you can differentiate your brand and beat competitors that have a poorly defined approach.

Stronger engagement: New customers need to interact multiple times with your brand and across different channels to take notice. During this process the brand messaging must be consistent for the information to sink in. Otherwise, customers will forget what message you conveyed previously.

Utilizing a messaging framework ensures every marketing channel shares the same information, which reinforces the message. It’s especially important when you’re a new brand with a lot to share.

Higher conversion rate: People want to buy from brands they are passionate about. If your brand is bland or doesn’t connect, then sales will suffer. Customers may even forgive shortcomings when the brand message is strong enough. For example, the customer might buy pricier products if they feel like it’s contributing to a good cause.

Content ideas: Creating content becomes easier when you have a brand template to work from. You know what tone to use and the material that interests your target audience. You’ll also have a higher chance of releasing high ROI content when following your brand messaging template.

Promotes customer loyalty: Customers will continue to see your brand messaging long after the first sale. Staying loyal to your brand involves keeping the same identity and brand values. Selling to repeat customers is more profitable than attracting new ones. Therefore, having a strong brand message will increase the profitability of your brand.

Competitive edge: In some markets achieving a competitive edge can be challenging. Creating a strong brand message customers can resonate with is an inexpensive way to connect with the target market. You could sell the same products at the same prices as competitors but win on branding alone – it’s that powerful!

Final thoughts

Brand messaging is an important part of creating a brand at every stage. Whether you’re running a brand awareness campaign or releasing new products – effective messaging helps differentiate your company. It also helps avoid confusion with your customer base and gives you a template for releasing content.

So what are you waiting for? Get started with your brand messaging template today! To learn more about our messaging services, simply contact us here.

About the author

It Jeff is an award-winning creative director with over 25 years of advertising experience. He has worked with a wide range of clients from international brands to local businesses.

Jeff’s strengths in business strategy, combined with his natural flair for aesthetics makes for a well rounded creative professional.

A competent designer, illustrator and photographer, Jeff’s dedication to his work enables him to consistently produce outstanding results for clients.

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