
Did someone say rebrand road trip? :)

9 August 2024 · 3 min read

Chelcie Plowright

Chelcie Plowright

Managing Director & Brand Strategist


Did someone say rebrand road trip? :)

9 August 2024 · 3 min read

That’s right, we’ve been driving with the navigation sorted and have been picking up some cool inspiration. Now we've finally arrived.

Welcome to the New Creative Resort! We’re pretty chuffed to announce the rebrand and repositioning of the business. After months of collaboration and introspection (late night pizzas and a few cheeky coffees), the whole team has redeveloped our vision and brought to life a new brand identity that nails who we are and how we believe we're unique in the way we approach our creative process.

Just saying For those of you who know us and have partnered, there’s our ‘thing’ we deliver, called... ‘The North Star’. Like we do with every one of our clients ,we have applied the same meticulous fine comb to ourselves - it's foolproof. Meaning we don't move on until we solve it. Ours happens to be (spoiler alert!) “Direction,” that’s what we apply to every brief from every client which guides us and our clients towards some pretty stellar creative success.

We love to dig deep to uncover what sets us apart and what we truly care about. However, it’s also about having a load of fun along the way. We’re serious about doing awesome creative, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

The family corner store that’s a One-Stop Shop for All Things Brand and Creative

We want our clients to be able to check-in their brand then sit back and relax knowing that they’re in safe hands. Maybe even open the mini bar and order some room service while we get to work. From brand strategy and design to digital experiences and content creation, we are the 5-star luxury experience you signed up for!

Our own fresh, fun, (and a little bit playful) Identity

Just cool, retro and fun! You draw inspiration from the most unlikely places. You just need to be attune with your spidy-senses. After we’d realised our North Star of ‘direction’, we wanted to roll out a style and personality that is truly our own that resonates with resort motels and fun beachy vibes. The colour palette features playful pastels complemented by bold teal and pink accents that bring a whole lot of energy while dialling up some great contrast.

Revamped Website – a Creative Paradise

Stop what you’re doing and take 5 minutes to click through to some great website eye-candy! (you won’t be disappointed).


The vacancy sign is on because we like to say yes to those who want to go next-level.

When all is said and done, we think the new ID outcome looks pretty sweet We’re not blowing trumpets but we have been doing the drum-roll to something special for quite a while. Now we’ve done the big reveal we’ve had some pretty amazing feedback which makes the ol' dreaded Monday mornings feel all the more worthwhile. So, come and check-in your brand!

Please feel free to get in touch, (or back in touch) to get some projects happening. Or just catch up and have a chat!

About the author

Chelcie brings over 10 years in the design and technology fields. From developing award-winning mobile apps, managing digital and advertising agencies and developing global brands in Australia - Chelcie handles any challenge with enthusiasm. Her breadth of experience includes working with non-profit and government organisations, tech start-ups and marketing consultancy services. Chelcie is devoted to building effective creative strategies for clients, helping them to achieve real-world results in their respective fields.

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